What is autocratic leadership? 5 signs to recognize her
Autocratic leadership: Do you recognize this expression? This is a kind of leadership that makes one person make all the decisions and hold all the power, without many contributions or opinions on the part of others involved.
It may sound distant to one’s experience, but it is more common than we think. Many of us have experienced environments like that, either at work, university, or in other places where there is a group.
But what really defines an autocratic leader? Discover this and much more in this article.
What is autocratic leadership?
It is the model wherein a single person holds the entire control over decisions and processes. Unlike other kinds of styles that are rather collaborative, here, the leader is the main focus.
The main characteristic of this type of leadership is the centralization of power. The autocratic leader takes the reins, sets guidelines, and expects them to be followed to the letter. In this context, the interchange of ideas and feedback are quite limited.
What are the characteristics of autocratic leadership?
Understanding the essence of autocratic leadership is essential before identifying its signs in the workplace.
Let’s explore the fundamental characteristics of this leadership style:
Centralization of power
We’ve already seen that autocratic leadership is defined by the concentration of power and authority in a single person, right? There is no significant distribution of this power.
This means that all important decisions are made by this person, regardless of the level of impact on other team members.
Unilateral determination
Strategies, guidelines and goals are established solely by the leader, without co-creation or deliberation with the team.
In practice, this can manifest itself in projects being implemented without the participation or feedback of those who will be most affected by them.
In the long term, this can limit innovation and diversity of perspectives on important decisions.
Vertical communication
The flow of information is directed from the leader to those led, with little reciprocity in communication.
In meetings, for example, employees may receive information, but rarely have the opportunity to share their opinions or concerns.
Structural rigidity
This type of leader values established rules, protocols and procedures, often resisting change. This can be seen when new approaches or processes are suggested and quickly discarded in favor of “the way we’ve always done it.”
While it can ensure consistency, this rigidity can impede adaptability and evolution in an ever-changing market.
Immutable vision
The leader has a clear direction or objective and demonstrates resistance to adapting or changing that vision, even with new information or contexts.
This can show itself in a protection from taking a different path, even despite obvious proof that another course would be useful. This unbending adherence to the first vision, at times, can prompt botched open doors or obsolete methodologies.
Recognizing these traits is the first step to understanding their dynamics and impact on the team and the company.
5 signs to recognize autocratic leadership
The theory is clear, but how to identify autocratic leadership in the daily lives of companies? See what signs to watch for:
1 – Decisions without consultation
Assuming the pioneer regularly pursues choices that influence the group without speaking with or requesting input, this is major areas of strength for an of despotic initiative. For instance, changing a task without illuminating the group.
This can also manifest itself in the way resources are used or in changing priorities without clear explanations or justifications, leaving the team confused or frustrated.
2 – Meetings that are monologues
During meetings, the leader dominates the conversation, and team contributions are limited. This can be seen in meetings where the agendas are unidirectional, with little interaction.
This environment often leads to a lack of team engagement, where team members may feel like spectators rather than active participants, negatively impacting motivation.
3 – Resistance to innovation
New ideas or methods are often rejected. If a team member proposes a new tool or approach and is quickly dismissed, this is a strong sign.
Furthermore, there may be a tendency to devalue market trends or technological advances, clinging to what is familiar and safe, even if this may compromise the company’s competitiveness.
4 – Disregarding feedback
When suggestions or criticisms are made, they are often ignored. This can be evident in performance reviews where employee feedback is not considered.
In the long term, this can result in an environment where team members feel hesitant to share concerns or insights, limiting the opportunity for growth and continuous improvement.
5 – Resistance to adapting
On the off chance that the leader is impervious to change, even notwithstanding new data, this demonstrates areas of strength for an of despotic leadership. For instance, persevering with a methodology in any event, when the information shows it isn’t working.
This conduct can bring about botched open doors and, in outrageous cases, the organization’s powerlessness to remain pertinent in an advancing industry.
This leadership style, in specific settings, may not be the best methodology and may try and make difficulties for the group. The significant thing is to perceive its presence and grasp its effects. Along these lines, it is feasible to proficiently better get ready and manage the subtleties of dictatorial leadership.