Career Development

What happens in the second job interview? What to analyze?

As extensive as it may seem, the selection process includes several steps, each one helping recruiters make the right decision. Companies known as employer brands may have more elaborate methods, but in addition to offering good feedback, they result in a hire with a greater chance of success. Therefore, when preparing the process, a second job interview is often included .

There are many possibilities for this and candidates need to be prepared , but when it comes to the area of ​​recruitment and selection, what is the purpose of this second meeting?

What to analyze in the second job interview?

If the candidate returns for the second interview it means he made a good impression in the first conversation. However, there are several reasons to have a second date.

It may be that other people on the team need to evaluate the candidates or, after an initial screening, it may be necessary to delve deeper into the candidate’s technical knowledge. See the main items to analyze in the second interview:

technical skills

At the first meeting, participants will summarize their professional history and comment on some cases or projects they participated in that are aligned with the job description. If the answers were positive, the following conversation serves to detail these skills.

In this case, the candidate will need to go into detail about their main professional achievements, in some cases exemplifying programs they used, specific actions they developed and their role in a project that involved more people.

This will give the recruiter and job manager a greater idea of ​​your ability to meet the job requirements.

Cultural fit

In addition to hard skills, there are other important analyzes that will ensure that the candidate matches the position. In other words, if you have a cultural fit with the company . By asking specific questions, it becomes easier to understand whether he has objectives and even a work style that are aligned with those of the organization.

This theme has gained space in organizations as it facilitates the choice of professionals who have a similar vision to the business. This way, it has a better chance of developing internally.


At this stage, the best candidates have already been selected, so it’s time to understand which ones and whether they have a differentiator that will add to the team. Therefore, an important analysis can go beyond technical capabilities and include extracurricular aspects and even personal hobbies.

How you face challenges

Recruiters can also use this step to challenge candidates and analyze which of them behaved more in line with what is expected of the position. By analyzing the areas for improvement based on the first meeting, they can assess how well the candidate knows themselves and how they intend to work to improve their weaknesses.

In some positions, it is also an opportunity to get the candidate to show in more detail what they have already accomplished, asking them to present something beforehand. A marketing agency, for example, may ask a potential account coordinator to carry out planning for a new product. This helps you see how he works, if he thinks about the whole, and what tools he knows.

The most effective method to design an enlistment and choice cycle

The second interview will rarely be decided at the last minute. Ideally, before even starting the process with publishing the vacancy, a strategic plan has already been drawn up, which will guide them when they start selecting candidates.

When hiring a new employee, the company wants someone who is dedicated to the role and seeks professional growth. Therefore, it is necessary to align remuneration and benefits with expected assignments and long-term career possibilities. All of this must be done as a team, including the Human Resources sector and the area the candidate will enter.

Furthermore, it is this planning that will allow you to know what the company wants to analyze in the second interview. See the step-by-step guide to carry out the selection process:

Set a goal

Recruitment can meet different needs in the organization. It may be necessary to cut costs, find professionals more committed to the position and reduce turnover, meet the demand for a certain skill or strengthen a growing team.

Define the vacancy profile

With the objective outlined, it is easier to determine the profile of the vacancy. If there is a need for specific skills, this will have to be made clear in the description, and will be a guide during dynamics and interviews.

The advertisement needs to have detailed information about the technical and behavioral skills required, the desired qualifications, as well as a description of what the main functions will be, so that the candidate can see if they have the knowledge to apply.

Candidate selection

With the vacancy open, this period involves analyzing the applications received and carrying out a screening, evaluating what each candidate sent and comparing it with what the vacancy requires.

Interviews and dynamics

This stage varies greatly depending on the size of the organization, available vacancies, hierarchical level of candidates and number of people. Therefore, planning must be done in advance. This way, it will be easier to define whether it will be done in three stages, with group dynamics, an individual interview and only then the second job interview. With this, the final evaluation and selection of the candidate is made.

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